Today, in this competitive world where everyone is behind money; we can see every business sector has several firms which manufacture same type of products. A simple example for the same is our daily used product; Toothpaste.
When you think about toothpaste, the first name that will be reflected in your mind is Colgate. Yes, there are several other companies too that manufacture toothpaste but we prefer “Colgate” why? Because we are aware about it, we know its name. Similarly, in terms of mobile; we will quickly say “Apple” “Samsung”.
Remember; Toothpaste is a product and Colgate is a BRAND on the other hand Cell Phone is a Product while Apple and Samsung are BRANDS. To understand branding perfectly, it is necessary to know the difference between a product and the brand.
Now, why most of the people get confused with product and brand and why they have only one brand name in their mind for a particular product. The reason is “Strong branding done by the companies”.
So, we can say here that the main aim of Branding is to create awareness about brand name in such a way that it becomes the synonym for the product. This means when people think about the product, your brand name is the only one that reflects in their minds.
What an amazing feeling it is when your brand name is the first when people think about particular product.
Would you like to have such branding strategies for your product or services? Then keep reading ahead:
Result Oriented Branding Strategy From Experts:
Let’s first understand what Brand Strategy is:
Brand Strategy
Planning done to cultivate the brand and establish a deep emotional connection with our target audience is called a branding strategy.
A successful branding strategy doesn’t need to be lengthy and costly. It can be very simple and short as well. There are several branding agencies that offer you simple, effective tools which can be used to organize the brand’s position as well as develop a well known brand identity.
It helps you to develop your brand and make it clear. Hence, a perfect brand strategy can only be developed if one has a clear brand vision.
A perfect brand strategy consists of
- Definite Purpose: First of all, it’s necessary to have a definite purpose for which you want to develop your brand. It can be either in terms of making money or it can be for some social work.When it comes to money, then make sure to create a brand that yields much more than profit.
- Brand Audit: This determines your brand’s fitness and shows where exactly the equity lies along with the relationship that you have with your audience. It helps you to examine your current brand equity as well as identifies what works well and what doesn’t.
- Determining the brand’s position: It helps to know where your brand lies in the market whether it needs to be improved or not and if yes then on what parameters. The brand position can be determined keeping in mind your target.
- Brand Design: It shows how an organization structures the brand in its portfolio. It describes the role of each brand and links between the brands. Brand design decides whether a brand should remain alone or whether it should be a part of a huge family.
- Target Insights: It is necessary to identify a person who actually will need your brand and then change the perceptions via their loyalty and recommendation. Hence, it is necessary to know demographics and insights that motivate them on an emotional level.
- Identifying the brand character: Brands are generally associated with human characteristics. So, it is necessary to determine the brand character and think on some aspects like what your brand is and what it exactly wants to do.This helps to develop a strong connection with the audience and offer a simple way to understand the brand and know the brand equity.
Now that you are aware about what brand and brand strategy are, you may be thinking of contacting a well known branding agency that can help you to build a strong brand presence.
Here are some tips which will help you to select a perfect Branding Agency:
It is a process where you are going to select an organization who knows better than you and who will show you what you are and how your customers must look at you. This means it is a work of experts who have done successful branding in different industries.
Successful branding means the ability to solve problems with a new perspective. First of all, you need to request for a proposal. Your Proposal should include the following:
- Index
- Introduction
- Budget
- Project requirement
- Timeline
- Process
The proposal must include every detail of the task. It is your chance to make specific requests so that you can get your proposal written in such a way that it easily suits your needs.
One can have great ideas but it is necessary to implement them. Hence, it is necessary to know how the agency wants to develop a new brand and then implement it.
Once the proposals are accepted then it is time to select a perfect agency. While making your selection, it is necessary to know what the company is, what its specializations are, what their specific points are and what are the differences in their way of doing things.
You must see the kind of strategies they use to develop the brand. Check out their portfolio, know whether they fit with your budget or not and then finally if everything is ok, you can finalize the deal.
Wind up
Hope this entire blog post is useful to you and has made the concept of branding crystal clear. Wish to hire branding experts? Then get in touch with Global Yogi; a well known Branding Agency in Melbourne.