Facebook Demographics
- Among the internet users, 72% people are using Facebook.
- Among all Facebook users 66% are Men.
- Among all Facebook users 77% are Women
- Among all Facebook users 70 % are White, Non-Hispanic
- Among all Facebook users 67 % black, Non-Hispanic
- Among all Facebook users 75% Hispanic
- Among all Facebook users 82% are between age 18-29
- Among all Facebook users 79% are between age 30-49
- Among all Facebook users 64% are between age 50-64
- Among all Facebook users 48 are over 65
- Among all Facebook users 71% are in high school grad or less
- Among all Facebook users 72% are some college
- Among all Facebook users 72 % are over college level
- Among all Facebook users 73 % are earning $30000 per year
- Among all Facebook users 72 % are earning between $30000-49999 per year
- Among all Facebook users 66% are earning between $50000-74,999 per year
- Among all Facebook users 78% are earning more than $75,000 per year
- Among all Facebook users 74% are Urban people
- Among all Facebook users 72% are Suburban
- Among all Facebook users 67% are Rural people.
Facebook User Stats
- Facebook has over 1.71 billion users all around the globe.
- There has a 12 percent hike in number of likes on the website to 45 billion.
- There has been a 17 percent hike of users logging onto Facebook daily. The figures rose to 1.13 billion users.
- According to Facebook there has been a huge hike on users accessing through mobile networks. The numbers were a whopping 1.53 billion users.
- Facebook users in Europe was close to 307 million users.
- The number of Facebook video posted by per person increased by 75% globally in 2015.
Age group 25-34 was the most common age bracket of most users.
Close to five new profiles are created every second on Facebook.
Facebook users are 76% female (out of 100% of all females) and 66% male (out of 100% of all males).
Traffic on Facebook is highest from 1pm to 3pm.
Engagement level of users is highest on Thursday and Friday.
Close to 16 million new businesses have created profiles in last one year.
50 percent of Facebook users check their messages as soon as they wake up.
Time spent on average ranges from 20 to 22 min per user per month.
At 1.49 billion, Facebook has more monthly active users than WhatsApp (500 million), Twitter (284 million) and Instagram (200 million)—combined.
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- Social media today