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WhatsApp Marketing: How to Use it to Promote Your Business

Written by Yogi | Mar 4, 2016 9:15:26 AM

The rising competition moves the businesses towards the most creative marketing tools and techniques that endorse their respective industry. The most-admired tools effortlessly promote products and services as well create new business contacts and change the prospects into loyal customers.

During building effective marketing strategy, some businesses integrate various direct marketing tools to promote their services, contact the customers directly, and build a strong business relationship with them; and one such powerful direct tool of today’s age is WhatsApp.

It is world’s fastest-growing communication app that has opened door for small and medium sized businesses to reach target audiences with ease and share ideas.


Reasons to Use WhatsApp:

  • Easy to set up and use
  • No/Easy registration, just enter phone number and use
  • Quick and reliable
  • Friends are on WhatsApp and they want them to be on WhatsApp
  • People are part of certain groups. Using WhatsApp group, people can share updates quickly
  • Costs you almost nothing
  • Share media files easily
  • Offers more privacy compared to large social networking sites


Popular Brands who use WhatsApp Marketing Successfully

  • Arman
  • Rolex
  • Xiaomi
  • Clarks
  • Cartier
  • Brooks Brothers
  • Absolut
  • Colgate

Huge numbers of people across the world are using this trendy messaging service, WhatsApp to be in touch with their friends and family. Its most viral sharing activities includes:

  • Breaking news or rumours
  • Videos and photos which are funny, gives information which are helpful and exciting
  • Greeting messages

WhatsApp's simple to use and effectual features has made it handy tools for many businesses. Its main objective is to connect people strongly around the world. Marketers can use it to interact with their clients and customers directly on their smartphones. WhatsApp allows them to feed their users with messages instantly about their products and services.

How to use WhatsApp in Business Promoting:

Actually, WhatsApp has changed the way the smart phones are used for marketing purposes. While this tool offer significant opportunities, it's essential for marketers to evaluate how to use WhatsApp effectively for business, particularly after Facebook's acquisition of WhatApp has suddenly grabbed the entire world's attention. Here are some interesting ways to use this strictly no ads app to promote your products and services, generate more and more leads and interact with consumers.

Deliver Your Promotional Message Directly

You are in the dark, if you believe that Whatsapp is just app to send message and images. Remember that, it can be also used as the most quickest means to introduce new products, great offers directly to relevant users, WhatsApp lets you to run promotions using visuals, voice notes, videos, call to action graphics or website links related to the business or new product launches, brochures, coupons or helpful contents that are non-sales material. While the WhatsApp broadcasts feature gives you ability to target relevant audience in large mass.

Now you don’t have to focus on formatting just like Email. And even the delivery chances are higher than other ways. Moreover, businesses can also create WhatsApp groups of employees and the employees can help businesses to deliver your promotions or other information to their friends and family effortlessly.

Broadcast Your Events

It can be great to share your brand event with your mass audience, without any investment on a lot of bandwidth. Whether you are organizing an event for new product launches, trade-shows or any industrial meet-ups for a glimpse of your brand’s contribution, WhatsApp can be right weapon to send your invitation quickly to your groups of audience. Even you can also share behind-the-scenes recording of your various events to your followers, for keeping things light and informal.

Maintain High Spirit Among Your Team

With brilliant communication, your business can build particular WhatsApp groups to converse on new updates, projects or share new ideas, thoughts, problems or meeting details. Every person related to company from a manager to an employee can discuss about something urgent and needs to be resolved immediately. That's resulted into team building activities that help your business to expand greatly.

Get Better Feedback in Effective Way

WhatsApp makes your way easy to draw customer for their valuable feedback after completing deal. Amazingly, you will get direct respond from your customers which will improve transparency. In addition, the group discussions with customers, suppliers, employees can be possible on time WhatsApp. Such activities generate a bunch of suggestions and feedback.

Improve Customer Service

As convenient way for the customers to contact your company, WhatsApp can be helpful to be aware of what their needs are. When we look at some other method like email which is mostly formal and take time; and phone calls that take a charges as well as awkwardness. And while the problem arise, the instant messaging services can be specially helpful. This marketing tool resolve customer grievance in efficient and timely manner.

Conduct Contests and Campaigns

Its instant messaging feature lets marketers to drive your target audience for responding to required call-for action. With it, you can get opportunity to run a successful contest or campaign, without channelizing a great fraction of your funds to source a response platform. Hence, you can easily increase the number of qualified fans from your point of sale and your website without spending a dime.


In Closing

Make WhatsApp your secret weapon to promote your business effectively. Considering all above ways, businesses can manage hassles in spreading your marketing message to your loyal customers. Still, the text messaging has sustain its charm. It's prudent for your businesses. Integrate this marketing tool into your marketing strategy to enhance this reach exponentially.